Recharged By The Son

Our Story
Having a nonprofit organization was a thought that came to me one Sunday at church. Yes my wife and I run and operate a fishing and hunting lodge here in Platte, South Dakota. I was challenged with the thought of how I could give back or help out other people that might enjoy the great outdoors and all that God has to offer. As I looked around at my church and saw a lot of children that are missing out as maybe their parents have been divorced or both parents have two jobs and just don't have the means or the desire to get their children out. Then I noticed a lot of elderly people that used to be out doing those things but as time has gone on their friends have deceased or their ability isn't there anymore. I started thinking that my wife and I have all the necessary things in place, meaning we have rooms for lodging, boats for fishing, all the tackle and things we would need.... So I thought why not take a few people out when we can. Matthew 4:19 says follow me and I will make you Fishers of men. So we took that and named our nonprofit Recharged By The Son and with that we made a commitment to always fellowship with others and to share the good news of God's love for all of us. We believe that all outdoor activities like hiking and fishing are all opportunities to bring families and friends together. We strive to make every outing the best that it can be so you can relax and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.
Our mission statement to serve individuals and families who need a reminder of God's goodness through hunting and fishing.
What is The Goal of Recharged By The Son?
We all know someone that is hurting in some way and it can be difficult to know how to help. At Recharged By The Son, our mission is to help that person or family. Whether it's a veteran, cancer victim, someone that is depressed, lonely or suffers an illness we are here to help.
It may be a fishing trip, some quiet time in in beautiful South Dakota or a custom program - we will do what we can to help find some peace for hurting individuals.
Who is Eligible?
All are welcome here! We welcome all individuals & families that are hurting and in need of help. Contact us to find out about availability and how to request a visit to the lodge.
How Much Does it Cost?
There is no cost for these programs. We are a non-profit organization trying to help people in need.
If you or someone close to you is in need, contact Tom or Nova about planning a visit to Recharged By The Son.