Who We Are

Recharged by the Son was created out of a need I saw in our community. A young father a friend of mine took his life and left three young boys without a father. As we were sitting in church one day I kept asking myself who will take these boys hunting and fishing like their dad used to do. The answer was simple, me. God just spoke that word and from that point on this was on my heart. My wife and I already own and operate a lodge, have boats, guns, etc etc to take these boys plus we are hunting and fishing every day anyway. So the Lord had laid this on my heart so we took a step out in faith and trusting him in all that we do. We started Recharged by the Son, so others will have the love and support during times of need in their lives. We've had the opportunity to share and witness to those who are struggling. God has been good to both Nova and I, our testaments are a bit different but both have the same result. A loving father that pursued us until we came to him hence you need to be reborn again. There are so many individuals who are struggling out in this world that need a little pick me up. Through the healing power of Jesus Christ this can happen and a new way of life can be found. Nature is one of God's beautiful creations and through nature God is able to teach us, speak to us, and provide for us. For this reason we can find in scripture that we humans are called to enjoy all of which he has created. Psalm 96 11 through 12 let the heavens rejoice, but the earth be glad, let the sea resound and all that is in it. But the fields bijou jubilant, and everything in them let all the trees of the forest rejoice and sing for joy. Recharged by the Son's story is as much about people as it is about fishing or pheasants. Over the years there have been some amazing memories made but most of all is the friendships that are most important. Our prayer is that your time spent with us will be filled with encouragement, laughs and stories that you will be able to pass on to friends and family. As believers in Christ, our faith compels us to strive for excellence in all that we do. We believe that time spent on the water or in the fields create a unique sense of community and an increased awareness of our creator. In all that we do we hope to point people towards the relationship with our heavenly father Jesus Christ.