What We Do

Here at Recharged by the Son we are striving to help others and be a part of an undying need for compassion towards everyone. My wife and I have been in the lodge hunting and fishing business for many years 1988 to present. We already have all the infrastructure in place with our lodge and all amenities that are needed to be able to help encourage others. We believe there is such a need to be able to give back to others. God has blessed us in this business and we want to give back to people that just need a little love and encouragement in life battles. We have already been a part of so many wonderful moments here at our lodge and witnessed so many great times and smiles. In this world that is ever so changing with more illnesses, suicides and depression than ever, we feel now is the time to reach out and give back as we can. It has been a long time passion of mine to take people out into God's great outdoors. I first was thinking some kids in our hometown church then some of the elders or elderly, War vets and handicapped people etc. Then I realized we could all use some uplifting. So our goal is just that, help and encourage as many guests as we can. Our boats and guides are all in and look forward to bringing smiles to all. Our promise to you as a donor is to tell the story that we feel you need to see and hear of how your contributions are affecting these wonderful people. Please help us to make this venture a success. Thank you and God bless.